On Moon in pandemic times you are in the safest place. Same as with finfellas all virtual and online from your own world home to be safe and still learn & stay up to date.

Unregulated [regulation], unchecked [lack of education], and unsecured [lack of research] - P2P industry at the crossroads

Speakers [13.11.2020] Regulation @ the heart of Fintech

[Dr. Vytautas Senavicius]

Chairman of Lithuanian P2P Lending and Managing Partner at Response Legal

[Denis Piskunov]

Attorney at law / Partner @ International business law firm Magnusson

[Guillermo de la Hera]

Member of the board of victims association vs Envestio, Kuetzal and Monethera

[Nadezda Karpova]

Chef Supervision Expert @ The Financial and Capital Market Commission (FCMC)

[To be announced]


[Lars Wrobbel]

Investor & Blogger @ Passives Einkommen mit P2P

[Ansis Spridzans]

Attorney @ law firm Spridzans, Snipe & Hramcenko

[Elina Dejus]

Representative @ The Financial and Capital Market Commission (FCMC)




Registration & technical checkup 2 p.m.–2.30 p.m. CET

15.00 p.m.–16.30 p.m. CET

Kick-off for [Regulation]

[Dr. Vytautas Senavicius] [Nadezda Karpova] [Ansis Spridzans]

[Lars Wrobbel] [Elina Dejus]

Break & Sessions Networking 16.30 p.m.–17.00 p.m. CET

17.00 p.m.–18.30 p.m. CET

Update - investor protection from bad business and [fraud]

[Lars Wrobbel] [Denis Piskunov] [Guillermo de la Hera]

[Dr. Vytautas Senavicius]

18.30 p.m.–9 p.m. CET

Time to network and have some beers [1 on 1 meet ups]

It's important to maintain stability in an industry that has been undermined mainly by Covid-19, and it is also important to explain regulation and the consequences of licensing platforms & bridging the gap between all industry participants.

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